2020-02-07 12:42
⛑I cant seem to get this site Published to billdonner.github.io with autodeploy - For now, I'll move on getting pictures and css going. Lets start with getting some images into a Resources/images folder

Getting images to display

⛑I cant seem to get this site Published to billdonner.github.io with autodeploy

For now, I'll move on getting pictures and css going.

Lets start with getting some images into a Resources/images folder

missing photo

Ok, that works, let's try two across:

missing photo       missing photo

This Md file now has embedded html referring to pics within the xcode project. I spent a moment contemplating whether all pics should go into an image hierarchy in this project, or stash them elsewhere. I think its ok to keep them here for now, possibly forever, with all the attended safety of having them in Github, inline.

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