2020-02-07 13:42
Altering the CSS is not a simple matter of changing a file. Instead, we need to tweak the swift code. While this might get done without much knowledge of swift, the body of BillsBlogHtmlFactory needs to get inserted. I took it from the FoundationHTMLFactory in the Theme+Foundation.swift file built into Publish .

I Try to Tweak the CSS

Altering the CSS is not a simple matter of changing a file.

Instead, we need to tweak the swift code

try BillsBlog().publish(withTheme: .billsblog)

extension Theme where Site == BillsBlog {
// a custom theme for bands
static var billsblog: Self {
        htmlFactory: BillsBlogHtmlFactory(),
        resourcePaths: ["Resources/blogtheme/billsblogstyles.css"]
private struct BillsBlogHtmlFactory: HTMLFactory {

While this might get done without much knowledge of swift, the body of BillsBlogHtmlFactory needs to get inserted. I took it from the FoundationHTMLFactory in the Theme+Foundation.swift file built into Publish .

⛑ I note that I had some trouble getting this to compile until I actually moved the Theme into another file. After adjusting the css files everywhere, I tweaked the bodies of some of the Publish code so that was more to my liking.

One of the things thats completely tweakable now is the homepage, so I used Plot (also by Mr Sundell) to write the swift/html code to my liking. I wrote a bit of Swift to make a .someItems function to limit the number recent posts displayed on the page.

fileprivate extension SortOrder {
    func makeASorter<T, V: Comparable>(
        forKeyPath keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>
    ) -> (T, T) -> Bool {
        switch self {
        case .ascending:
            return {
                $0[keyPath: keyPath] < $1[keyPath: keyPath]
        case .descending:
            return {
                $0[keyPath: keyPath] > $1[keyPath: keyPath]

extension PublishingContext  {
    /// Return someitems within this website, sorted by a given key path.
    ///  - parameter max: Max Number of items to return
    /// - parameter sortingKeyPath: The key path to sort the items by.
    /// - parameter order: The order to use when sorting the items.
   public func someItems<T: Comparable>(max:Int,
                                  sortedBy sortingKeyPath: KeyPath<Item<Site>, T>,
                                  order: SortOrder = .ascending
    ) -> [Item<Site>] {
        let items = sections.flatMap { $0.items }
        let x = items.sorted(
            by: order.makeASorter(forKeyPath: sortingKeyPath))
        return x.dropLast((x.count-max)>0 ? x.count-max : 0)

To change the header and footer for each page I had to do even more Swift copy and tweak to rewrite these Node methods to my liking. I ended up rewriting the header completely, and moved things around inside a list of items. These are not hard things to do with Plot once you get it all functionally connected.

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